1. Manresa, C.; Sanz, EC; Twigg J; Bravo, M.
Supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) for maintaining the dentition in adults treated for periodontitis.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue I, 2018, 1-57.
Journal article. Impact index for the year of publication: 5.91.
Summary: In order to determine the effect of Supportive Periodontal Therapy (SPT) on maintaining the teeth of periodontal patients who had been treated, we set ourselves several objectives in this study. Primary objective: to compare the effect of SPT versus monitoring alone or alternative interventions not including mechanical debridement. Secondary objectives: to compare the effects of SPT carried out by periodontists versus non-specialists; to compare the effect of SPT with and without complementary interventions; to compare the effect of different techniques and devices for mechanical debridement of the root as part of the SPT; and to compare the SPT at different time intervals.
2. Manresa, C.
Periodontal maintenance for the interdisciplinary patient. Dealing with one case. Long-term results.
Periodoncia Clínica, 2016, 5, 69 – 76.
Magazine article. Publisher: The Spanish Periodontics and Osseointegration Society (SEPA). ISBN/ISSN: 2386-9623.
Summary: This work describes the diagnosis, interdisciplinary treatment plan and periodontal maintenance schedule that were carried out during the correction and rehabilitation phase and after the treatment ended for a young patient with aggressive periodontitis. Monitored for 9 years, the evolution of the results was documented in the long term from the periodontal, functional and aesthetic points of view. The patient collaborated wholeheartedly from the beginning of the treatment and the results obtained were highly satisfactory. All of the teeth were preserved during the maintenance phase and there were practically no changes recorded in the clinical periodontal, functional and aesthetic parameters.
3. Manresa, C.; Bosch, M.; Manzanares, M.C.; Carvalho, P.; Echeverría, J.J.
A new standardized-automatic method for Bone-to-Implant-Contact histomorphometric analysis based on Backscattered Scanning Electron Microscopy images.
Clinical Oral Implants Research, 2014, 25, 702 – 706.
Magazine article. Impact index for the year of publication: 3,123.
Summary: This work established a procedure for analysing images to measure bone implant contact (BIC) by an objective, systematic approximation based on back-scattered scanning electronic microscope images (BS-SEM).
4. Manresa, C.; Bosch, M.; Echeverría, J.J.
The comparison between implant stability quotient and bone-implant contact revisited: an experiment in Beagle dog.
Clinical Oral Implants Research, 2014, 25, 1213 – 1221.
Magazine article. Impact index for the year of publication: 3,889.
Summary: In order to test the hypothesis that the measurements of implant stability using RFA correlate with the histomorphometric data on bone implant contact (BIC), in this study an experiment was carried out on a beagle dog. The result was that there was no correlation between the BIC values (obtained by the new method developed in this study) and the ISQ (obtained using Osstell Mentol). Finally, in order to clarify the current controversial relationship between the RFA and the histomorphometric parameters, a comprehensive analysis was carried out on the literature published in this area of work over the last 15 years.
5. Aparicio, C.; Manresa, C.; Francisco, K.; Ouazzani, W.; Claros, P.; Potau, J.M.
The long term use of zygomatic implants: a ten year clinical and radiographic report.
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 2014, 16, 447 – 459.
Magazine article. Impact index for the year of publication: 3,821.
Summary: The purpose of this study was to compare the results in rehabilitation of the atrophied upper jaw with ZI and NI using the Classic Zygomatic Technique (CZT) as opposed to the Zygomatic Anatomy-Guided Approach (ZAGA). We also set ourselves the task of establishing a standardised system to carry out diagnosis of rhinosinusitis associated with inserting ZIs. There were 22 zygomatic patients operated on consecutively from 1998 to 2009, and 80 consecutive patients operated on from 2004 to 2009 using the same variables as in the previous study. It was concluded that the two procedures (CZT and ZAGA) had similar clinical results in terms of the implant’s survival. The ZAGA version is capable of immediately rehabilitating the severely atrophied upper jaw, minimising the risk of sinusitis. Moreover, more comfortable prosthetics are achieved, which are less bulky and easy to clean.
6. Aparicio, C.; Manresa, C.; Francisco, K.; Aparicio, A.; Nunes, J.; Claros, P.; Potau, J.M.
Zygomatic implants placed using the zygomatic anatomy-guided approach versus the classical technique. A proposed system to report rhino-sinusitis diagnosis.
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 2014, 16, 627 – 642.
Journal article. Impact index for the year of publication: 2,796.
Summary: The aim of this study was to communicate the long-term results regarding rehabilitation of the upper jaw using zygomatic implants (ZI) and normal ones (NI) on 22 consecutive patients. The Cumulative Survival Rate (CSR) for the ZIs and the NIs was studied, and the prosthetics and complications were assessed for over 10 years of use. The implants’ mobility was evaluated using the Periotest®. The sinuses’ health was assessed by X-ray and clinically in keeping with the Lund-Mackay score based on CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) and the Lanza and Kennedy survey recommended by the TFR (Task Force on Rhinosinusitis). A satisfaction questionnaire was also carried out (Oral Health Impact Profile) to evaluate the relative quality of health in edentulous patients and various anatomic measures. According to the conclusions of the study, the long-term rehabilitation of a severely atrophied upper jaw is a predictable process.
7. Aparicio, C.; Manresa, C.; Francisco, K.; Claros, P.; Alández, J.; González-Martín, O.; Albrektsson, T.
Zygomatic implants: indications, techniques and outcomes, and the Zygomatic Success Code.
Periodontology 2000, 66 2014, 41 – 58.
Journal article. Impact index for the year of publication: 3,632.
Summary: This work is a bibliographical review of the recommendations for zygomatic implants and their surgical and prosthetic techniques. Moreover, the study includes data on the results from the Zygomatic Anatomy Guides Approach (ZAGA) and puts forward a Zygomatic Success Code with specific criteria to score the success of the zygomatic implants’ fixation.
8. Aparicio, C.; Gonzalez-Martin, O; Manresa, C.; Ouazzani, W.
Chapter 18. Complications. Zygomatic Implants: the Anatomy-Guided Approach.
pp. 243 – 259. (United Kingdom): Quintessence Publishing Group, 2012.
ISBN 978-1-85097-225-9. Book chapter.
Summary: This chapter is part of a book that reviews the state-of-the-art in zygomatic implants. The work includes new surgical techniques for placing implants, anatomic and biomechanical considerations, obtaining images of the zygoma, possible reaction in the sinuses, contraindications, prosthetic considerations and handling complications. The book gives the necessary guidelines to use zygomatic implants in rehabilitation of edentulous patients.
9. Aparicio, C.; Ouazzani, W.; Aparicio, A.; Fortes, V.; Muela, R.; Pascual, A.; Codesal, M.; Barluenga, N.; Manresa, C.; Franch, M.
Extrasinus Zygomatic Implants: Three Year Experience from a New Surgical. Approach for Patients with Pronounced Buccal Concavities in the Edentulous Maxilla.
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 2010, 12, 55 – 61.
Journal article. Impact index for the year of publication: 2,803.
Summary: With a pronounced buccal concavity, the implant head must be placed far from the alveolar ridge in a palatal direction, which results in the creation of bulky bridges. Taking this problem into account, in this study a three-year clinical study was carried out on 20 consecutive patients with these anatomical characteristics, with monitoring for an average of 41 months. A total of 36 implants were inserted using an extra-sinus surgical technique that allowed the implant head to emerge in or near the upper part of the alveolar ridge, which was highly beneficial from the point of view of the patient’s hygiene and comfort.